The Gaean Reach Gazetteer Role Playing Game (Sold Out - Restock Notification Only)

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An impossibly distant future. A vast sprawl of planets, each without parallel, with its own bizarre customs, bedeviling procedures, and wily inhabitants.
As one of the implacable revenge-seekers populating The Gaean Reach Roleplaying Game, you know that correct intelligence on these worlds makes all the difference between grim success and howling failure.
As a GM running The Gaean Reach Roleplaying Game, this exhaustive cataloging of the planets and places of Jack Vance’s classic science fiction cycle will keep your players hopping.
As a fan of Jack Vance who wouldn’t know a d6 from an intersplit engine, this indispensable guidebook gathers the beauty and danger of his incomparable worlds into one handy reference.

  • Plan your next jaunt to the glass towers of Alphanor, the Groaning Ocean of Ladaque-Royale, or the Oxygen Marshes of Cuenos Notos, where frolics the delicious five-horned darango.
  • Compare the amenities of such establishments as the splendid (if overpriced) Hotel Tarquin, the notorious Wild Isle resort, and the blackmailer-ridden Sin-San’s Tavern.
  • Contemplate the technical specifications of interstellar space-yachts, packets and liners.
  • Learn of the Reach’s currencies, surveillance technologies, and computing devices.
  • Study with academic detachment weapons ranging from the subtly lethal air-tube to the ostentatiously combustible flame-staff, from the workaday projac to the highly illegal Dys Model G Skull-splitter.