Giant Monopoly

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Trading property has never been more fun in the giant version of this iconic Hasbro kids board game. This classic Monopoly board game made big is perfect for an indoor and outdoor game. The rules to play this fun game are slightly different than the original game. Roll the Giant Die and move your Giant Token that number of spaces on the Giant Gameboard. If you land on an empty property space, you MUST buy it. Mark the space with the green side of your Property Card. When another player lands on the space, they pay you the amount with their Million Money Meter. The player with the most wealth at the end of the game wins! With these new speedy rules, you’ll get the classic Monopoly experience in less than 30 minutes! Find your newest favorite board game, beach games, & games for camp, plus amazing 12 year old girl gifts, 13 year old girl gifts & trending gifts for teens now. Shop more board games for family night, games for kids 8-12, children's games, family games for kids and adults, board games for 5-7 year olds, family board games & more to make big fun family memories with Spin Master!