SUBJECTIVE, A Personality Trivia Game

Was: $25.00
Now: $17.00
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  • SUBJECTIVE: A family-friendly party game where the right answer isn`t the only way to win! For 3-6 players, this game for adults and kids 10 and up. The perfect family game for game night! Each game takes about 45 minutes to play.
  • MORE THAN TRIVIA: In this fun game, it`s not about WHAT you know, it`s about WHO will give you the best clues and HOW well you know your fellow players. Subjects span many topics from Movies to Recreation.
  • HOW TO PLAY: On your turn, start with a secret word. Players grab different subject cards and write down a clue about the secret word. You goal is to guess the secret word using their clues in this family game!