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"Mori" is the Latin word for death and the Japanese word for forest. Both of these interpretations are represented in the artwork of this card game.

Mori is full of “tricky” decisions, as players manipulate their hand of cards by playing tricks and using the dice to find their way to the best possible score.

Great for 3-5 Players, Ages 11+


Use Your Dice Well
It’s in the tagline of the game: “Dice Break The Rules.” Being able to choose not to follo w the lead suit when it’s advantageous to you can be huge! Don’t ignore collecting dice.

Manipulate the X’s
Having the most X’s is bad: they each count as one negative point. You might be able to feed your x cards to the perceived scoring leader.
However, having the second most gives you one point per X! Can you use this to your advantage?

Holding Onto Cards
Because you score cards left in hand, it can be a fun challenge to try and keep well-scoring cards not be pulled out by the trick-taking rules.