Mansplaining (Sold Out - Restock Notification Only)

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Do your friends consider you the expert on everything? Does it make your heart swell every time you teach a stranger how to do something right? If so, then Mansplaining is for you!

This party game gives each player a chance to mansplain a random topic to a captive audience. The mansplainer for the round draws a topic card and four detail cards with random words. They then have 60 seconds to explain their topic — starting with the words, "Well, actually..." — while slipping in as many detail words as they can. They cannot use the words on their topic card during this explanation! When they finish, players write down their guesses for the mansplainer's topic and detail words, scoring 1 point for each correct guess. The mansplainer scores for each detail included in their explanation.

After everyone has mansplained twice, the player with the most points wins.


Number of Players: 2+
Age Group: 14+
Time to Play: 30 Minutes

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