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How does your free subscription work?
When you purchase this free subscription, we'll add you to our notification-only subscribers list for all Arkham Horror The Card Game items.
All subscribers receive an email notification each time a new Arkham Horror The Card Game item becomes available in our online store for purchase or pre-order—along with a link to the item and a 10% off coupon for that item. These notifications will be sent to your account email for the Board Game Barrister Online Store or, if you don't have an online store account, the email you use at guest checkout.
You may then, at your inclination, follow the link provided in the notification to purchase or pre-order the new item.
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Each time we notify you of a newly available item, we'll include a coupon code for 10% off the purchase of that item!
This is a subscription for notification only. No credit card information will be stored, and no purchase is required.
You'll always get to choose whether to follow the link you receive and purchase the new items.